If you live in a community with Smart Home features, you can use your LittleBird Mobile App to monitor your home’s Smart Home devices. Sometimes it may be necessary to refresh the devices to reevaluate and report your Smart Devices’ current statuses. 

Refreshing Your Devices From the Home Page

To refresh your devices from the Home Page of the LittleBird:

  1. Log into the LittleBird Mobile App

  2. Tap Home (house icon) in the navigation bar at the bottom of the page

  3. Tap and hold your mobile device’s screen while pulling downward (swipe down)

    1. For a moment, loading symbols will appear where you’d typically see your devices’ names indicating your devices are refreshing 

  4. Once your devices finish refreshing and the loading symbols disappear, you can use your Smart Home devices again, knowing that your app’s status indications are current and correct 

Refreshing Your Devices From the Settings Page

To refresh your devices from the Settings Page of the LittleBird:

  1. Log into the LittleBird Mobile App

  2. Tap Settings (...) in the navigation bar at the bottom of the page

  3. Tap Refresh Devices

    1. For a moment, loading symbols will appear where you’d typically see your devices’ names indicating your devices are refreshing 

  4. Once your devices finish refreshing and the loading symbols disappear, you can use your Smart Home devices again, knowing that your app’s status indications are current and correct