In the LittleBird web portal, you can locate a unit, view its residents and devices, and manage details. You can also add or remove units from your community. 

Locate a unit

Log into the Littlebird web portal on your device and browse to the Units & Residents (person) icon in the navigation column. You can now locate an existing unit in three different ways: 

  1. Scroll through the overall unit list, which is listed in numerical order.

  1. Enter a unit number or resident name into the Search field.

  1. Click the Filter by automation dropdown menu and select Active or Inactive to sort units according to their Smart Home activity status.

View a unit’s residents and devices 

To see a unit’s residents and devices, click the unit’s number in the Unit # column of the Unit page. You can then view the unit’s residents and devices in the Residents and Devices sections.  

Manage a unit’s details

  1. In the Units page, click Edit to view the Unit Details page. Here you will see Unit Number and Groups

  2. Click the Unit Number text field to change the unit’s numerical identification. 

  3. Click the Groups dropdown menu to switch the unit’s group. 

    1. If you wish to remove the unit from a group, click the Close (x) button on the unit’s existing group entry.

  4. Click the Save Unit button to save your changes. You will then be redirected back to the main Units page.

Note: To discard your changes, simply click the Cancel button.

Delete a unit

  1. In the Units page, click Edit on a unit’s panel to go to the Unit Details page. 

  2. Click the Delete Unit button to remove a unit. The unit will be immediately removed from your community. 

Note: If the unit has a Smart Home panel or is occupied by residents, you will not be able to remove the unit. 

Add a unit

  1. In the Units page, click the Add Unit button. 

  2. Type the unit’s number in the Unit Number field. 

  3. If you would like to add a group for the unit,  select a group by clicking the Groups dropdown menu.

  4. Click the Save Unit button to add your unit. 

Note: If you no longer wish to add the unit, simply click the Cancel button.