If your community has Smart Home or Smart Access features, you can use the LittleBird Web Portal to manually reset a resident’s access codes, including their living space door lock, front gate, and amenity access points. 

Resetting a Resident Code:

  1. Log into the LittleBird Web Portal

  2. Click on the desired property (if applicable)

  3. Click Units & Residents in the navigation panel on the left side of the page

  4. Click Resident List in the dropdown in the navigation panel on the left side of the page

  5. Locate the resident from the list or search for the resident by typing their name into the search box at the top of the page

  6. Click the Pencil Icon next to the resident whose code(s) you wish to reset

  7. Click the Access Codes tab toward the top of the page

  8. Click the Reset button of the code you want to reset (Unit Access Code will reset the code to the resident’s smart lock installed on their front door, and Community Access Code will reset the code the resident uses to access the property and amenities)

Once a code is reset, the resident will receive an email informing them their code has changed along with their new code so their access isn’t interrupted. Their code will also be updated automatically in the LittleBird Mobile App