If, for any reason, you need to revoke a prospect’s community and unit access after their Self-Guided Tour has been approved, you can complete this in the LittleBird Web Portal. 

Revoking Access From Scheduled Self-Guided Tour

To revoke an approved prospect’s access:

  1. Log into the LittleBird Web Portal

  2. Click on desired Property (if applicable)

  3. Click the expand button (v) by Units & Residents in the navigation bar on the left side of the page 

  4. Click Self-Guided Tours

  5. Click Scheduled Tours at the top of the page

  6. Click on the prospect whose access you wish to revoke

  7. Click the red Revoke Access button in the upper right-hand corner

  8. Click the red Revoke Access button in the confirmation window

The prospect will receive an email informing them that their tour has been canceled. They are encouraged to contact your property management team if they have questions. 

Granting Access From Rejected Self-Guided Tour

Just as you can revoke access to an approved Self-Guided Tour, you can also grant access to a previously rejected Self-Guided Tour. 

To grant access to a rejected prospect:

  1. Log into the LittleBird Web Portal

  2. Click on desired Property (if applicable)

  3. Click the expand button (v) by Units & Residents in the navigation bar on the left side of the page 

  4. Click Self-Guided Tours

  5. Click Rejected Tours at the top of the page

  6. Click on the prospect to whom you wish to grant access

  7. Click the green Enable Access button in the upper right-hand corner

  8. Click the green Enable Access button in the confirmation window

The prospect will receive an email with your pre-tour message (if configured) and a separate email with their access codes for your community and vacant units.